Imagine fora momentto be ona boatin the middleof
the sea, no landaround you,
the starsover your headand onlythe sound of water. Suddenlya blowand adark shapeon the
surfaceof the seacatchyour attention. It is about 4.30in the morning andyou may thinkit'sdefinitelytime to
goto sleep! Then againthe breathand thesame
shape, closer this time. This can
notbea mirage, and actually itis not!The crewof the "Pelagos"haswitnessedaunique spectacle. Fin whalesblowingand swimminga
fewmetersfrom the boat during
the night navigation, thendive
anddisappearing into the darkness. Otherfin whaleswere
spotted during the following daysas well assperm whalesand striped dolphins. A weekendedwith atotal of 31sightings, including 7of
fin whales, 4 of sperm whales and20 ofstriped dolphin. Last
but not least, aclose-knitand
collaborativeinternational crewmade
the weekaboard "Pelagos"even more enjoyable.
As Douglas
Adams wrote, “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up
where I needed to be.”
The CSR Researchers Team, Becky, Jenny, Brandon and Nino
Following link is for participants of this week's expedition, showing the ship's route, pictures of some of the sightings and of some moments of the cruise which were memorable (or even not so...).
Ai partecipanti al turno è dedicato un link con il percorso effettuato durante la settimana, le foto di alcuni avvistamenti e qualche immagine dei momenti da ricordare - importanti e non.
Testi, foto e immagini in questo blog appartengono all'Istituto Tethys quando non altrimenti specificato. Si prega di non usare questo materiale senza permesso.
Text, photos and images in this blog belong to the Tethys Research Institute unless otherwise specified. Please do not use these materials without permission.
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