02 September 2008

Cetacean Sanctuary Research, 25-31 August

Thank you to captain Roberto, Elisa, Alessia, Enrico, Massimo for an absolutely brilliant week. It was fantastic, with such a once in a lifetime experience of meeting pilot whales (three times) and in fact waking up with the beautiful whales twice! I had such a brilliant experience taking part in scientific research once again. Your company was fantastic and you looked after all of us so well. Roberto... grazie per le specialità che hai cucinato per noi!

The experience of living in the field, the research and the lessons were fascinating. What interested me the most was the "traffic" on the water and the environmental impact of all of these vessels to the local communities of cetaceans. This is the story that holds the strongest with me and one that I will be repeating to all of my friends and family. I hope to hear more about your research and hopefully everyone will begin to understand how the destructive nature of mankind is impacting on such magnificent animals! Thank you so much for sharing this opportunity with me.

Niamh, Ireland


Leider ist nun schon eine unvergessliche Woche voller neuer Eindruecke, toller Erlebnisse, netter Leute und faszinierender Tierwelt zu Ende. Ich hoffe und bin davon ueberzeugt dass Tethys einen wesentlichen Beitrag am Fortbestand und Erhalt dieser einmaligen Tierwelt leistet. Bei der Crew bedanke ich mich fuer die Infos und die ueppige Verpflegung. Wuensche der Crew fuer die Zukunft alles Gute -Thanks for all. Moege der Schiffskobold der Crew und dem Kapitaen noch viel Glueck auf den weiteren Toerns bringen...

Raphael, Germany


Una settimana incredibile, fuori dal mondo "normale", come vivere un sogno di bambini, all'avventura in mezzo al mare, cercando di iniziare a conoscere le meraviglie che il mare nasconde. Abbiamo incontrato animali meravigliosi, così vicini a noi eppure così lontani e misteriosi. E sempre il mare intorno a noi, le stelle, le albe e i tramonti, la natura... Sarebbe bello che tutti facessero una volta ogni anno questa esperienza "rigenerante". E in più i compagni di viaggio sono stati fantastici, ognuno con la sua vita e i suoi motivi per essere qui. Si scopre anche qualcosa in più sugli uomini e sicuramente su noi stessi.

Alessandra, Italy

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