17 August 2011

CSR_12 ( August, 1st- 7th)

The 12th week on board the R/V "Pelagos" started with a bang! An incredible sighting of five fin whales gathering in the late afternoon to feed. The change of the respiration pattern and diving time of these gigantic animals were evident to all the crew who respectfully admired the five whales gently breaking the water surface with their powerful blows. The usual striped dolphins with an unusual high number of calves and some newborns were fellow travellers all during the week along with a couple of nice loggerhead turtles and a giant devil ray fish. Despite the unpredictability of the sea condition, once mirror flat and once rough and wavy, a total of 55 hours were spent out at sea resulting in 310 nautical miles travelled and 25 recorded sightings.

Anna, Ioannis and Nino

Participants’ comments
J’ai beaucoup apprécié ce petit voyage en compagnie d’un équipage très sympa. Je ne croyais pas que nous allions voir autant de dauphins. Auparavant, je n’avais jamais vu de baleines. C’est incroyable, et gigantesque. Les tortues de mer, sont magnifiques. L’eau est super chaude. J’aimerais bien revenir.
Céline, Suisse

J’ai beaucoup aimé le voyage. Nous avons vu beaucoup d’animaux. C’était la première fois que je voyais des dauphins et des baleines en liberté. J’aimerais bien revenir.
Nina, Suisse

Les dauphins nous ont gratifiés de multiples apparitions aux styles et formations variés ; les baleines, paisibles et magnifiques, nous ont laissé tout le temps d’apprécier leur présence émouvante. Un tout grand merci à l’équipage pour sa belle patience, sa très grande compétence. Je reviendrai avec grand plaisir.

Véronique, Suisse

Following link is for participants of this week's expedition, showing the ship's route, pictures of some of the sightings and of some moments of the cruise which were memorable (or even not so...)

Ai partecipanti al turno è dedicato uno spazio con il percorso effettuato durante la settimana, le foto di alcuni avvistamenti e qualche immagine dei momenti da ricordare - importanti e non.

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