19 September 2009

Delphi's Dolphins, 13-19 September

This definitely has been an eye opening experience for me, and is one of the best thing that I’ve experienced in my life. I learnt so much over the course of one week, got to know four of the nicest people (Stefano, Susie, Alyssa and Ellie). I guess that would sum up everything ;) The dolphin sightings were simply magical... I’ve never seen them up close in their natural habitat and they are the most beautiful creatures that I’ve ever seen. On the fourth day, we had the best weather for a sighting, and when Stefano told us that this kind of ‘perfect’ sightings only happened twice this season, I felt that we’ve just won a lottery! I learnt so much, not just about dolphins, but the big picture of the ocean, the overfishing, current state, etc. I will definitely pass on this awareness to as many people that I can, and hopefully can make a small but significant contribution to improve our ocean. Many thanks to Stefano, Susie, Alyssa and Ellie! Terima kasih! Sampai jumpa!

Levanna, Indonesia

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