16 August 2010

Cetacean Sanctuary Research 13 (9-15 August)

The good weather conditions in the first part of the week allowed us to sight several pods of striped dolphins and two fin whales. We therefore decided to spend the first night out at sea, where the unexpected happened, and we heard a fin whale blow in the night, after which, many shooting stars were seen and wishes made. The next day we tracked the clicks of a sperm whale in the pelagic area and stayed with it for three dive cycles. Our already awed participants could not imagine things would get better, when, after the sperm whale’s last fluke up, it decided to impress us with a full body breach! The rest of the week was happily punctuated with striped dolphin, turtle and sunfish sightings, and swim breaks. Our last night on the boat was spent in the harbour, where we had prime seats for the 15th of August fireworks in Sanremo.

Elisa, Anna, Viridiana and Maria (CSR Team members)


Ich hatte einen Traum… Niemals werde ich diese Eindruecke hier auf der Pelagos vergessen.
Wir sahen Finnwale, Delphine und einen springenden Pottwal. Ich hoffe, dass alle Menschen ein verantwortungsvolleres Denken bekommen um diese wundervollen Tiere zu schuetzen. Wir danken dem Team von Tethys, dass sie uns dieses einzigartige Erlebnis moeglich gemacht haben.

Jutta und Martin (Germany)


Ever since I was a little girl I have had a passion for wildlife and always hoped to travel the world seeing animals in their natural habitats. Signing up for this trip I hoped, but did not expect, to have some close encounters with these amazing creatures, the cetaceans, in the Mediterranean Sea. I have not been disappointed! Our trip began with a wonderful fin whale sighting towards the end of our first full day at sea, but (if it is possible) this was topped the next day when we tracked a sperm whale and saw it several times. Immediately following what we thought would be its last dive before we moved on it breached spectacularly just in front of the boat. We were all awestruck – and frustrated that we had all just put our cameras away! So no photographic evidence to share, but it will be imprinted on our memories forever, as will the many encounters with large groups of striped dolphins, particularly the bow-riding. The team of researchers (Elisa, Anna, Viridiana and Maria) plus our skipper Paolo have been wonderful company and have taught us so much, and I hope to follow and support Tethys’s activities in future - particularly in terms of their raising awareness of conservation issues regarding the whales, dolphins and other inhabitants of the region.

Marian (UK)


Dopo la bellissima esperienza dell’anno scorso Anna mi ha convinta nuovamente a partecipare al campo di ricerca… e finalmente ho visto balenottera e capodoglio (incredibile emozione!!!) oltre alle immancabili stenelle che mettono sempre allegria!!! Sono sempre più convinta sia importante conoscere e rispettare la natura e questi campi hanno aumentato la mia sensibilità verso gli animali ed il loro ambiente naturale. Un ringraziamento particolare al pesce luna che ci ha fatto divertire tanto!!! Infinite Grazie ad Anna per avermi fatto conoscere questo mondo. Grazie a Viridiana per le innumerevoli traduzioni e per i tantissimi sorrisi. Per Elisa: prometto di impegnarmi a limitare il consumo di tonno, e se necessario dolphin safe! Un saluto a Maria il cui italiano migliora giorno per giorno. Tanti baci a tutti i partecipanti, soprattutto a Claudia Patrizia ed Elena. Siete forti Mola mola!

Nadia (Italy)


Un petit coup de nageoire pour les baleines, une grande prise de conscience pour les hommes… Ma deuxième année à bord du Pelagos et toujours autant d’émerveillement, de plaisir et surtout de belles personnes rencontrées, que ce soit les chercheurs ou les volontaires. Etant moi-même biologiste j’ai conscience des difficultés que vous pouvez rencontrer et nous voyons et recevons avec tant de plaisir votre volonté et votre passion. Un énorme merci à vous tous pour votre bonne humeur, votre gentillesse et votre professionnalisme. Et j’ai bien l’intention d’obtenir un troisième tampon sur mon diplôme. Je vous dis donc à l’année prochaine j’espère.

Laureline (France)


Ogni avventura ti lascia sempre qualcosa e tu stesso lasci un pezzo di te. L’importante è cercare di fare le cose in maniera diversa e guardare con occhi nuovi per fare in modo che questo pazzo mondo cambi un po’, che la bellezza e l’eleganza degli animali che abbiamo incontrato possano restare per il futuro. Ho imparato cose su cui non mi ero ancora soffermata e ho cercato la “contaminazione” con tutti quelli che ho incontrato in questo “viaggio”.

Patrizia (Italy)


Un grand merci à Elisa, Viridiana, Maria, Anna et Paolo pour nous avoir accueilli dans le monde des cétacés et fait partager leurs passions avec autant de dévouement. Rorqual commun (fin whale), cachalot (sperm whale), dauphin bleu et blanc (striped dolphin) ne me sont maintenant plus tout à fait des inconnus… le risotto et le pesto non plus d’ailleurs !

Virginie (France)


La seconda volta dicono sempre che non sia come la prima, ma questa volta posso dire che la cosa non sia vera. Ho avuto una bellissima settimana l’anno scorso e un’altra altrettanto bella quest’anno. Quando sono su Pelagos si vedono sempre cose bellissime! Un grande grazie a Viri i suoi sorrisi ci hanno aiutato a superare anche i giorni di pioggia e a Paolo per i suoi consigli da esperto marinaio! Un grazie anche ad Anna Elisa e Maria che con i loro racconti hanno lasciato nel nostro cuore un pezzetto della loro passione per i cetacei! Un grande grazie anche a tutto il Mola mola fun club!

Claudia (Italy)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi all, I was also on Pelagos during this week, but didn't get round to adding my comments to the diary. I had an amazing week, it was everything that I imgained and more. I have always wanted to see whales and dolphins in their natural habitat, and this trip made that dream a reality. The reaserchers and the other people on board the boat made the week so much more enjoyable, as they were all so friendly. The fireworks at the end of the week were the icing on the cake.

I am aiming to go back on the boat next summer for another amazing week.

Helen (England)