28 July 2011

Il senso elettrico dei delfini

A South American dolphin, the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) may be able to sense prey by their electric fields, the same way as sharks and rays do. According to scientist, this is the first known case of a mammal showing this ability. Echolocation doesn't work at very close range, so this is where electrolocation would come in, especially in the muddy waters where this species lives. M.J. (picture by http://www.atbc2008.org/)
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ITA Un delfino del Sudamerica, la Sotalia guianensis sarebbe, secondo i ricercatori, il primo mamifero in cui è stata documenta la capacità di percepire deboli campi elettrici - come negli squali e nelle razze.
Leggi l'articolo (in inglese)

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