26 June 2008

Soffio !

If we could say one thing about this trip it would be... SOFFIO!

Neither of us have ever seen a sperm whale in the wild and by the end of this trip we saw lots and lots of sperm whales and both have the photos to prove it. This trip wouldn't have been the same without the amazing team of researchers - Nino, Alessia, Valentina, Mauro - and of course the fabulous captain Roberto. This past week with Tethys was well worth the long trek across the Atlantic Ocean from the USA to get here. We feel that we have made wonderful friends, not only with the rest of the volunteers along for this trip, but also with the cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea, the Mola mola, and the loggerhead turtles. We plan to tell everyone we know back in “the States” that life does in fact exist in the Mediterranean Sea! And that the sea life is priceless and preservation of it for future generations to enjoy as we have is extremely important. Thanks so much for providing this once in a lifetime opportunity!

Erica and Jillian


S -ea and weather were perfect.
O -ver a million amazing impressions.
F -in whales have been missing, but instead lots of sperm whales.
F -ood has always been delicious.
I -f there is something to mention: the greatest crew ever!
O - capitano mio, mille grazie!

Thanks very much for everything and hopefully see you next year!

Livia and Reto

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