28 June 2009

Delphi's Dolphins 07, 21-27 June

My mother called me one night at school explaining that there was this research program in which I would be allowed to travel to Greece, and help researchers collect data about the dolphins in that area. Of course, upon hearing her words I was screaming “YES I WANT TO GO!’’. I didn’t know what to expect really, this was all going to be a new adventure, and it was. Between the spiders, the storm, and the dolphins I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Galaxidi is a small little town, that within a day you love as if it were your home town. The atmosphere and people are a real joy, and the bake shop is beyond wonderful (chocolate covered baklava!). The Tethys program is the same as everything else I have said, wonderful. The team here is so welcoming and eager to learn more about you and share their information. They are also the most fun group of people I have met, the conversations and laughs will always keep me smiling. And though we had a hard time finding the dolphins, when we did it was simply amazing. They were jumping and socializing right next to our boat. It was like nothing I had ever seen. I mean you can see dolphins on tv, and in magazines, but to see real wild dolphins beside the boat was incredible. This will definitely be one of my most memorable trips. Between the people and the animals it was above and beyond anything that I could have hoped for. Thank you for everything!

Emma, New York/USA


It’s hard to explain in words just how amazing this week has been... you just have to experience it! Everyday has been its own unique adventure: from the sighting of more than twenty striped dolphins and one common dolphin, to the exhilarating ride back to harbor (you are a great captain Silvia!), the predatory events and the rescuing of the sea turtle whose flipper was wrapped in fishing net (Lila, you lucky turtle!). Galaxidi, the town people, the food and my fellow volunteers were and are equally amazing. And, of course, a great big thank you to the Tethys team, Giovanni, Silvia and Aina, your hospitality and teachings are second to none and I have such admiration for the work you do. I can’t wait to come back!

Neysa, Chicago/USA


Thank you Silvia and Aina for all the things you teached us and these breathtaking moments we lived. This week was very intense... I will always remember these dolphins playing around us when we were on the boat. I’m going to talk about this dolphin’s project to my friends and I’m pretty sure many of them will want to participate as well.

Emilie, France

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