12 July 2010

Cetacean Sanctuary Research 8 (5-11 July)

The last CSR cruise was busy and exciting. On board we had the pleasure of welcoming three young boys from Monaco who were the winners of a creative writing, drawing and painting contest for ACCOBAMS, and who proved vital during the sighting shifts. We had a sighting of 3 long-finned pilot whales—the first sighting of this species so far this season—that approached the boat and remained with us for over an hour. We also had several fin whale sightings including 2 sightings of an adult fin whale with a juvenile as well as another whale that breached 8 times! We also had 2 sperm whale sightings and lots of striped dolphin sightings throughout the week. We had the opportunity of spending two nights away from our home port, in the bay of Villefranche and in the open sea. With so many animals and so much time spent at sea with a great group, it was a wonderful week for everybody.

Alessia, Morgana, Joanna, Maria (CSR Team members)


I didn’t know what to expect when I came on board, but I was met by friendly faces and people who were ready to jump up and help anybody that needed it. I had the pleasure of being able to see some of the most elusive marine mammals that the Mediterranean Sea has to offer, from the 20 meter fin whale, to the more shy and curious long-finned pilot whales. I came on board hoping to get an experience that would not only be life-changing, but would also help me decide whether or not I want to become a marine biologist, and I have to say that not only has this helped me decide, but it has also reinforced my love for the animals, and I know that I want to do everything in my power to save the animals that we as humans share the Earth with. Thanks for everything.

Samantha Cat (Germany)


Ce voyage fut une aventure extraordinaire, le team avec le quel nous étions, était très gentille. Nous avons eu la chance de voir des baleines, des dauphins, des cachalots et mon préféré le globicéphale. Merci a tout le team!

Pierre Marie (Monaco)


Ce fut une agréable expérience , nous avons partager des moments merveilleux avec cette team extraordinaire ! Nous avons eu la chance de voir des espèces rares dont le globicéphale, cela restera a jamais gravé dans ma mémoire. Le capitaine est extraordinaire il m’a appris des choses sur la navigation en haute mer. Une pensée à la Tethys Team, en esperant les revoirs en mer. Merci.

Chris (France)

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